
Andy has had a love for horses all his life. He learned to ride at a stables in the city of Norwich, where he was born. For a short time in his teens, he stopped riding to continue with his music lessons.

In his early 20’s, Andy decided to get his own horse and revive his passion. A few years later, when trialling a horse for a friend, he had a bad fall and lost his confidence. This is when he found Natural Horsemanship, which he continued to study for many years.

Andy managed a livery yard where he was originally a working student, before getting the opportunity to run his own yard. A dream he had always had. That’s when Naturally Light Equitation was born.

Andy has had the opportunity to help people with their own horses, people who struggle with confidence and those wishing to create a a better relationship / partnership with their horses. Andy uses a combination of strategies and techniques from Natural Horsemanship and Classical Dressage. Understanding how horses think is the biggest part of how to help them with our domesticated world.

Andy has a passion for making horses as happy as possible and that includes the products, saddlery and horse-ware he uses.


Andy’s partner Shane has supported him with all his equitation dreams and is also the business partner of NLE. Shane brings a wealth of knowledge in managing a business and accounting, as well as video production. He also brings the entertainment to the yard, hosting bi-annual NLE Games where liveries and friends compete in obstacle courses and other fun activities.